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BRIAN PERMANN, Immortal Records

DJ Review

"I've gotta say to your listening audience: this guy is legit. He has been a tastemaker since the moment I met him, way back in the mid eighties; he brought knowledge, he brought style, he brought flare to a small town that had none. So if you're looking to him for any kind of influence, then follow him because he's gonna spin you the best stuff. He's been a tastemaker from as far back as i can remember. So he's in the perfect place, and if your ears are open, you might hear something special."

          - Brian Permann, Immortal Records



"...great versions and killer drops! Sound clips are all ace! Forgot how much I loved Suede, heard some unfamiliar mixes of familiar songs: all good! Thanks for letting me know."

          -Stephen Rabow, KYYX disc jockey, Seattle

DJ Reviews: About Us


The much-anticipated arrival & debut of the enigmatic rock-rap artist WEBB-HILL of Lewis County, WA is here!

For nearly a year, the staff and crew of The Groove Zone have been waiting for the day to meet up with WEBB-HILL, and it happened! Everything a fan could want in an artist, and more!
Neo Retro FM proudly presents one of its newest featured artists on heavy rotation, the boss Webb-Hill!


The Dream Team Is In The House

WEBB-HILL isn't here alone, he's brought his crew of MCs & rappers with him; in the coming days, audiences will be introduced to the full team of beatmakers.

DJ Reviews: Shows
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